Smart Innovator Apps

Smart Bangla Newspapers 1.0
Very Important!As I can"t update this app, please uninstall it and download'Bangla Newspapers (sectional)' instead. It has new features andupdate of broken links. I will update it regularly.বাংলা পত্রিকার সেকশনভিত্তিক খবর পড়ার জন্য এই অ্যাপটি খুবইকার্যকর।ধরুন, আপনি প্রথমআলো পত্রিকার খেলার খবর পড়তে চান। তাহলে খেলা আরপ্রথম আলো সিলেক্ট করে 'খবর পড়ুন' বাটনে চাপ দিয়ে সহজেই খেলার সবআপডেট পড়তে পারবেন। এতে আপনার সময় আর ইন্টারনেট বিল দুটোরই সাশ্রয়হবে।আপনার পছন্দের খবর ফেসবুক, গুগল প্লাস, হোয়াটস অ্যাপ সহ বিভিন্নমাধ্যমে শেয়ার করতে পারবেন।এই অ্যাপটি আপনাদের পছন্দ হলে দয়া করে রেটিং দিতে ভুলবেন না।"সারাবিশ্বের খবর জানুন, নিজেকে সবসময় আপডেট রাখুন"
Smart Anti Theft and Tracker 1.0
If your phone is unfortunately stolen, thisapp is there to find the phone as well as the thief.1. It is easier to use and uninstall.2. Five tracking modes (SMS, Email, SIM Change, SMS and Email, All)are available3. Immediate Phone Lock is facilitated.4. All operations are done in background. That's why, no chance forthe thief to realize it's functionality.5. An easily understandable 'User Manual' is included to Menubutton6. Unlike other anti theft apps, only the real owner of the phonecan uninstall this app. So, it is safe and trustworthy at anysituation.It has 5 tracking modes.SMS: you have to set a keyword in settings. If this keyword isanywhere in your SMS, the app will immediately send SMS to 2recipients's phone number you set. They will get the location ofyour phone (for example, Dhanmondi 7, 1209 Dhaka), Longitude andLatitude of your phone location, mobile number and SIM ID. Thephone will be locked immediately if you set this in settings.Email:you have to set a keyword in settings . If this keyword isin the subject of your last email inside the Inbox, Draft or Sentfolder, the app will send Email to 2 recipients's Email address youset. They will get the location of your phone (for example,Dhanmondi 7, 1209 Dhaka), Longitude and Latitude of your phonelocation, mobile number, SIM ID and call details of last 5 calls(incoming and outgoing). The phone will be locked immediately ifyou set this in settings.Sim Change: you have to save your phone number's SIM ID insettings. If someone changes your SIM, the app will immediatelysend SMS and Email to the recipients you set. The SMS and Emailcontents will be same as above. The phone will be lockedimmediately if you set this in settings.SMS and Email: both SMS and Email mode will be activated.All: SMS, Email and Sim change mode will be activated.Any feedback will be highly appreciated."Stay alert, stay safe"